Nobody Is Normal
Primavera Sound Barcelona’s protocol for a festival free of sexual aggression and discrimination

Plurality, diversity, heterogeneity. With the aim that the artistic line-up of Primavera Sound is not a static line-up but a mirror in which its audience can proudly see itself reflected, the Nobody is Normal protocol encourages the celebration of liberation and transgression in community during the next edition of the festival.
Five years after its introduction, which symbolically coincided with the first gender-balanced line-up in the history of Primavera Sound, the action plan against sexual aggression and harassment, as well as against machismo, transphobia, homophobia, lesbophobia or any other attempt to condition the festival experience of any festivalgoer, once again stands up against the hate speeches that proliferate in many corners of society. They certainly have no place at Primavera Sound: the enjoyment of the festival cannot be subject in any way to gender conventions. Everything but discrimination is possible here precisely because a musical event like this is a particularly favourable context for challenging standards.

So that the audience can do so in a safe environment, the festival site will once again have its own support network for women, sexual dissidence and gender non-conforming people. Because the threat disappears if the Primavera Sound experience is lived as a community. In the Parc del Fòrum there will be two information stands, where people can go to report any cases of gender violence and discrimination suffered or detected, as well as to find out more about the Nobody is Normal protocol. In addition, there will be staff moving around the site (a diverse staff in terms of gender, sexuality, social class, racialisation and corporeality) who will give out information and detect possible cases, and all the staff working at the festival will be properly trained to deal with any incident correctly.
Nobody is Normal is prepared for direct action on the site at this year’s Primavera Sound and for indirect work that is just as valuable. This framework of liberation and visibility promoted by the festival is born out of the conviction that changes in the imaginary can accelerate transformations in society.