Educational programme that brings music creation to schools, involving students and teachers in the music production process, improving their autonomy and confidence.

Sharing music. On stage and beyond, with all the positive potential that this experience possesses. This has been one of the main objectives of Primavera Sound in its two decades of history. The creation in October 2021 of the Fundació Primavera Sound definitively laid the foundations of this commitment in order to effectively channel the social return that the festival wants to aim at its environment, with special emphasis on educational and cultural activities that can benefit young people.
An example of this is the BeatSchool project that the Institut Escola La Mina has set up together with the Fundació Primavera Sound, which proposes to bring students closer to the intricacies of music as a creative act connected to the current technological reality via a simple and stimulating methodology. The teacher in charge is Daniel Madjody, a teacher at that very centre and co-founder of the El Bloque collective, essential in the dissemination and research of urban music in Spain.
The basis of BeatSchool will be learning how to use a digital audio workstation, a tool that will allow the participants to get into music creation. The process of accompanying the students will enhance and stimulate their skills, supporting the appeal of working in a team, expressing emotions and finding their own voice.
The project provides IELM students with the software resources provided free of charge by Ableton and the necessary materials to activate their curiosity for music and give shape to a creative piece of work. To this end, classes and workshops given by a professional from the sector have been made available to the centre, both for students and teachers, in order to provide the participants with knowledge, skills and musical autonomy.

BeatSchool has started its activities this term with two groups of 5th and 6th graders with very promising results. This is a first contact for an initiative that is intended to be a long-term commitment.
The collaboration between the Fundació Primavera Sound and the administration of Sant Adrià de Besòs has strengthened the links and complicity between the festival, the town and its residents, who can also take part in other activities. These include educational visits to Primavera Sound Barcelona – Sant Adrià 2022, which will also include a talk on what it means to organise a music festival. The Fundació is also working to make the event a source of employment opportunities for the people from the area around the Forum. With the support of the department of economic promotion, among others, of the Sant Adrià de Besòs Town Council and other entities dedicated to facilitating labour reintegration in the territory, proposals are being carried out for the development of integration projects and training support for young people.