Framework for Collaboration with External Companies
1. Objective and scope
This document aims to define the framework of collaboration of the Fundació Primavera Sound Foundation (FPS) with external companies. The Fundació, in line with its values of sustainability, cultural innovation and international cooperation, establishes relationships with companies outside its corporate group to strengthen projects of social and cultural impact, as well as to diversify its sources of funding.
In the current funding context, the Fundació seeks to strengthen its activity through strategic alliances with external companies that act as joint funders of projects, as partners in joint actions or as clients of our cultural consultancy services. Such collaborations must be aligned with our mission and core values, respecting principles of independence, transparency and efficiency.
Through this document, the Fundació establishes the criteria and principles for objectively deciding whether it is appropriate to collaborate with a given external company and the most suitable way to begin such collaboration.
2. Fundamental principles and exclusionary criteria
The Fundació Primavera Sound is committed to following ethical and social responsibility principles that will guide its relations with external companies, inspired by the Code of Conduct of the NGDO Coordinator and our own values. These are the principles that will guide relations with external companies:
- Respect for human rights: Businesses should respect human rights, comply with international conventions on workers’ rights and combat discrimination, racism and xenophobia.
- Compliance with labour standards: Companies must comply with the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), especially regarding forced labour, child labour and the right to organise.
- Environmental responsibility: Companies must comply with the environmental legislation in force in their home countries and in the places where they operate, maintaining high environmental standards.
- Public health: Companies must respect public health by ensuring that their products and production processes are safe and comply with health regulations.
- Exclusion of incompatible sectors: The Fundació will not establish relations with companies that manufacture arms, traffic in arms, or whose activity are linked to sectors such as pornography, gambling or speculative funds.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Priority will be given to those companies that implement CSR actions, especially in the cultural field, taking into account the positive impact of their practices on society and the environment.
3. Phases in establishing the relationship with external companies
Before entering a partnership with an external company, the Fundació will assess the partnership on the basis of the following criteria:
- Sector of activity: The company’s activity must be compatible with the Fundació ‘s values and contribute to social and cultural development.
- Size of the company: The size of the company will be considered, prioritising those that have the capacity to contribute significantly to the Fundació ‘s objectives.
- Scope of action: The company must operate in sectors or areas that complement the Fundació’ s activities.
- Ethical management: The company must demonstrate a commitment to ethical business management and social responsibility.
- Source of capital and distribution of profits: The company should be transparent about the origin of its capital and the distribution of its profits, ensuring that they are aligned with ethical principles.
- Advertising policy: The company’s advertising practices must be consistent with the Fundació’s values and not contradict its principles.
Once the external company has been evaluated and the absence of exclusionary criteria has been confirmed, a collaboration agreement will be established, in accordance with the partnership model pre-established by the Fundació.
4. Conditions of the partnership
Partnerships with external companies shall be guided by the following principles:
- Independence: The Fundació will not compromise its independence or its mission at any time. Partnerships must not influence its work or objectives.
- Transparency: Any collaboration will be formalised in a written agreement, approved and signed by both parties, which will clearly include the objectives, planned activities, the obligations of the parties and the communication policy.
- Evaluation: The collaboration will be monitored and evaluated, analysing the fulfilment of the objectives set, the level of communication between the parties, the results achieved and the degree of overall satisfaction. The Fundació will ensure that the partnership remains aligned with its principles and values.
Document approved with the Board of Trustees meeting of __/__/2025