1. Objective and scope

This document aims to present the gender equality policy of the Fundació Primavera Sound (FPS). The approval of this document by the Fundació’s highest governing body is a manifestation of our commitment to gender equality, both in our identity and in our mission.

Since its inception, the Fundació Primavera Sound has promoted the empowerment of women, and its strategic objectives reflect a firm commitment to gender equality. Through our actions, we seek to guarantee the visibility, participation and leadership of women in all aspects of our organisation and in the activities we promote on a global level.

2. Fundamental principles of our gender policy

Our gender equality policy is articulated around the following fundamental axes:

➢ Institutional representation policy (at different levels of the Fundació):
The Fundació always works to ensure a significant presence of women at all levels of responsibility in our organigram. Our internal documents, especially those related to human resources management, reflect the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of sex, promoting equal opportunities for all. We promote parity between men and women in our consultative and decision-making processes.

➢ Gender equality in public advocacy, social awareness and international cooperation:
Advocacy work is part of our mission, and a gender perspective is integrated in all our projects. This includes our work in international cooperation, conferences, awareness-raising events and communication campaigns, in which we work to promote gender equality and raise awareness of women’s rights and the elimination of gender-based violence.

We also integrate gender equality into our internal training plan, training our staff and collaborators on the importance of gender equality and its integration in all aspects of our cultural and social activity.

➢ Establishment of strategic alliances with women’s organisations:
The Fundació promotes strategic alliances with women’s organisations, feminists and networks fighting for women’s rights, to undertake joint actions in various contexts. In our international cooperation projects, we clearly integrate a gender approach, supporting the empowerment of women and the defence of their rights.

Some of our main actions include the defence of human rights and the fight against gender-based violence, as well as supporting local cultural organisations through micro-grants. We also encourage networking among women professionals in the cultural sector, providing platforms for the exchange of experiences and the visibility of their projects.

➢ Promoting the visibility of women in culture and art:
As part of our programme, we boost the visibility and dissemination of the experiences of women artists and professionals in the cultural sector, promoting equal opportunities and visibility in all our festivals and projects. Through events and conferences such as The New Normal, Nobody in Normal, Primavera Pro, etc., we seek to create networks of support and reflection among women in culture, increase their visibility and strengthen their role in cultural decision-making.

Monitoring and evaluation

The Fundació ‘s future actions will continue to focus on gender in all our programmes and projects, focusing on the empowerment of women and promoting gender mainstreaming in our organisational culture. In addition, we will regularly evaluate the impact of our actions on the visibility and representation of women, and we will work to eliminate the inequalities that persist in the cultural sector.

Document approved with the Board of Trustees meeting of __/__/2025

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