1. Objective and scope

The aim of this document is to define the staff management policy of the Fundació Primavera Sound, aimed at guaranteeing responsible, inclusive and transparent management of the teams that contribute to our mission. This policy is integrated into the Fundació’s strategic plan and reflects our commitment to human rights, equal opportunities, respect for the environment and culture.

2. Fundamental axes of our personnel policy

Our personnel management system is articulated around the following axes:

➢ Selection and recruitment:
People join the Fundació Primavera Sound following the principles of competence, transparency, non-discrimination and equal opportunities. Applications will be assessed based on objective criteria such as training, previous experience, skills, languages, attitude and motivation to contribute to our social and cultural mission. In the selection process, clear information will be provided on working conditions (type of contract, working hours, salary, location, etc.), respecting labour rights and social conditions established by current legislation.

➢ Training:
We ensure the continuous training of our staff, ensuring that they have the necessary knowhow and tools to carry out their duties responsibly and efficiently. This training process will be aligned with our values of social justice, inclusion and sustainable development. Part of the budget will be set aside for the training plan, which will be reviewed periodically. In addition, employees will have a clear procedure for requesting and approving training actions.

➢ Job descriptions:
The jobs at the Fundació Primavera Sound are clearly defined, specifying their responsibilities, objectives, required training and necessary skills. The jobs are integrated into an organigram that defines the inter-reliant relationships between people and teams. Likewise, job profiles and descriptions will be reviewed and updated periodically, to ensure that the Fundació maintains a flexible system adapted to its needs and to changes in the social and cultural context.

➢ Performance evaluation:
A performance appraisal will be conducted periodically for each employee, with the aim of improving internal communication, pinpointing areas for improvement and promoting the professional development of teams. This includes encouraging constructive communication between staff and managers, as well as a review of responsibilities and roles to ensure an inclusive and respectful working environment.

➢ Compensation and social benefits:
The Fundació will establish a compensation model that integrates both monetary remuneration and other social benefits, such as health insurance, a pension plan and meal vouchers. The salary policy will be based on the salary positioning of the sector and the availability of resources, considering labour rights and social conditions established by law. The compensation model will be accessible to contracted staff and will be in line with current legislation. Equal pay for men and women and non-discrimination in the workplace are key priorities for the Fundació.

➢ Prevention of occupational risks:
We will establish the appropriate preventive measures to guarantee the health and safety of each worker, in accordance with current legislation on occupational risk prevention. We are committed to guaranteeing a safe and healthy working environment for everyone, respecting the rights of each person and always promoting occupational safety.

3. Basic principles

The principles that govern our human resources policy are:

  • Equal opportunities and non-discrimination: avoiding any kind of discrimination based on gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, race, disability or any other condition.
  • Occupational health and safety: to ensure that all workplaces comply with the health and safety measures established by current legislation.
  • Work-life balance: ensuring that staff have the necessary conditions to be able to balance their work and personal life effectively, with flexible working hours and teleworking possibilities.
  • Active participation of the team: our staff will participate in the review of the mission, vision and values of the Fundació, as well as in the elaboration of the strategic lines to be followed.

These principles reflect our values of respect, responsibility and social commitment, and are fundamental to creating an organisational culture that fosters inclusion, well-being and commitment to social and cultural goals.

4. Implementation of the integrated human resources management system

The Management of the Fundació Primavera Sound is committed to implementing this human resources policy to guarantee efficient and responsible management of the teams, based on values of parity, inclusion and transparency. The implementation will be constant, coherent and consensual, taking into account the needs and expectations of the workers.

This policy shall be shared with all staff and volunteers of the Fundació.

Document approved with the Board of Trustees meeting of __/__/2025

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