1. Objective and scope

This document aims to outline the environmental policy of the Fundació Primavera Sound (FPS). The Fundació recognises the moral responsibility to carry out all its activities in the most environmentally friendly way possible. This commitment is reflected in the integration of principles and actions that promote ecological sustainability in all our activities, both locally and internationally.

The application of this policy extends to the entire organisation and its activities, including:

  • International cooperation programmes
  • Festivals and events organised
  • Cultural policy consultancy services
  • Cultural management training initiatives (seminars, conferences, etc.).
  • Research and cultural projects

2. Fundamental principles

The environmental management system of the Fundació Primavera Sound is based on the following fundamental principles:

  • Comply with local and international environmental regulations: The Fundació will comply with the environmental regulations of the countries in which it operates. In the absence of local regulations, international standards adapted to the specific context will be adopted.
  • Integrate the environmental dimension into all our activities: All our activities, from festivals to cooperation projects, must incorporate an environmental vision that minimises their impact.
  • Ongoing staff training: Fundació staff will be trained in environmental issues, ensuring that all those involved in our activities are committed to the principles of sustainability.
  • Environmental impact assessment: We will set up monitoring to assess the environmental impact of our actions and promote practices that reduce the negative impact on the environment.
  • Responsible collaboration: The Fundació will avoid establishing alliances with entities that do not respect these principles of environmental protection and that could endanger sustainable development.

3. Lines of action

Our environmental management policy is oriented towards ecological sustainability, with emphasis on the following lines of action:

  • Climate change: We work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our activities, as well as those of our partners and collaborators in international projects.
  • Water use: We promote water saving both in our facilities and in our events and activities, implementing efficiency measures.
  • Energy: We reduce energy consumption in our facilities by analysing and optimising equipment and systems, promoting energy saving habits and encouraging the use of renewable energies.
  • Materials and recycling: We encourage the use of recyclable materials and recycle waste at the points provided for this purpose. We also optimise the use of materials in our events and activities.
  • Travel and trip impact: We measure and reduce the environmental impact of our travel and trips, promoting the use of sustainable means of transport and optimising the necessary journeys.

4. Implementation of the environmental management system

The Fundació’s management is committed to the implementation of a periodic environmental improvement plan. This plan includes:

  • The identification of areas for environmental improvement in all our activities.
  • The establishment of specific objectives for each area, with deadlines and expected results.
  • Constant evaluation of progress and continuous improvement.

The Fundació’s environmental policy will be integrated into our action framework and will be submitted to the Fundació’s Board of Trustees for approval. This policy will be disseminated internally and will be made public, ensuring that all employees, collaborators and partners are aligned with our environmental commitments.

Document approved with the Board of Trustees meeting of __/__/2025

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